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English for 6th - 8th Grade

Teens House 1- English is for life!

"Teens House 1": We provide your child with the ticket to a better future!!!


Going through the transition from middle school to high school requires a deeper understanding of the language, including new grammatical structures, a richer vocabulary, and the ability to express oneself in writing. The added number of people in the classrooms creates a gap for many students between what they know and what they are required to know.

"Teens House 1" comes to fill this gap. Every student is evaluated with an English diagnostic test that checks his/her grasp of different language skills (reading, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing, and ability to have a conversation). Based on the results of the placement test, we build an individualized program that focuses on improving English with a relationship and personal guide that befits each and every student's personal level and pace.


The program includes support through reliable learning materials that are conveyed through innovative learning tools and advanced teaching methods. We emphasize:

  • Strengthening grammar

  • Expanding vocabulary

  • Enriching written expression

  • Reading comprehension strategies

  • Improving listening comprehension

  • Developing speaking confidently


Preparing for junior high – We work on minimizing gaps:

Exercises in grammar, enriching vocabulary, and writing properly in fun and enriching classes.

Preparing for high school – Strengthening self-confidence in the language, with a focus on improving reading comprehension (unseens), strengthening grammar, and expression in writing and in speech.


The goal of the program is to allow each student to gain self-confidence and practical uses for English in an easy, creative, and enjoyable manner. This English is acquired as a second language with the same ease, naturalness, and comfort that the mother tongue was learned with.


In class, the students learn based on their level (maximum 8 per class) in order to provide each and every student with a personal relationship and pedagogical supervision closely linked to their progress in acquiring the language. Additionally, every student receives a personal username and password which lets them review all of the material that was learned at home.


The program "Teens House 1" is tailored to the subjects that are learned in school and the demands of The Ministry of Education.

לייעוץ והרשמה ללימודים: 03-732-7170

 או אנא מלא פרטיך וניצור עימך קשר בהקדם:

* הפרטים נשמרים חסויים ולא נשלח ספאם

אינגליש האוס  

כצנלסון 39, גבעתיים  

טלפון: 03-732-7170  

072-214-8688 :פקס  

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  The English House

 2009 כל הזכויות שמורות ©

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